Looking for a counting-app where you dont permanently miss the button because its too small, where you dont hit inadvertently an annoying ad banner or the reset button?
An App for counting your friends pushups or runners laps in the stadium without the need of always looking at the display? Assisted by vibration when a value is reached?
That is also our opinion! A comfortable counting-app must have a huge button, a BigButton!
BigButtonCount turns the display into a button!
We dont go for a huge menu filled with needless functions! In the clearly arranged menu of BigButtonCount you can enter the essential settings you need for comfortable counting:
- The interval for the number to in- or decrease with each tap
- The direction whether counting up or down
- The current value for e. g. counting down from 100
- Vibration after particular intervals
- Sound with each tap
A tap on Done brings you back to the BigButton or intuitionally swipe over the display.